I tried using Compound W, and that didn't work either. I will never forget the day I went to a swimming pool while I was babysitting, and my band aid that was covering it kept falling off and it just looked nasty, red and raw and inflamed with white crusty edges from the Compound W (I swear that W stands for Waste of money). The stuff stinks (I can still recall that weird mediciney smell, 15 years later), it burned, and it HURT because I'd burned my skin so badly from the stuff, and now it was being exposed to chlorine! What was there not to hate?
It said to use garlic. So, I went and got a bottle of Garlic tablets from Trader Joe's (I don't have a link for the Trader Joe's brand, so I just showed a popular brand on Amazon, above). Mind you, Odorless or "odor controlled" garlic is not completely odorless, but it's a lot more odorless than regular garlic. Though either type would have been fine, because I love the smell of garlic, and for whatever reason, do not consider it to be offensive.
Anyway, I took a couple of those pills and COULD NOT BELIEVE IT... this damn wart that I had been trying to get rid of, for several months, completely vanished before my eyes within about 2 days, and in over 15 years it hasn't come back. I kid you not. You'd think the dermatologist could have told me about this, but... nope.

Hope this helps!
Laura Ellen (Ualani)
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