I'm going to just give you a quick update and story as to how I learned about this, and it was all by accident (funny how I seem to find some of the best treatments by accident).
I started taking Oil of Oregano to heal a tooth abscess that started last year after I cracked a tooth. The pain was so bad it was like someone sticking an ice pick into my eye.
I saw a video where a woman mentioned that Oil of Oregano helped her tooth abscess. For me, it didn't work right away (I think because I didn't hold my head upside down to let the oil of oregano sink into the crack in my tooth). I actually gave up on the Oil of Oregano last year, thinking it didn't work, but when the pain came back again this year, I decided to try it again (after all, I paid over $20 for a small 0.45 oz bottle of the stuff at the Vitamin Shoppe!)
Well, lo and behold, the stuff seemed to work, and I was using it so regularly that I realized I needed to order more. So, I went on Amazon to find a good brand, with good reviews, at a good price.
I was surprised to find several reviews by people raving about how much it helped them with their Candida. And that jarred my memory... I did try Oil of Oregano once before, but it was in pill form, and I just got a cheap brand (I think I got it at the Vitamin Shoppe) and I didn't take that much, and didn't take it that regularly.
I had been using Oil of Oregano Drops on my tooth abscess ONLY, and then spitting it out. But when I saw the rave "candida prevention" reviews for the brand I already had, I decided to go ahead and swallow the stuff (I realized I had been practically throwing money down the toilet by just spitting it into the sink). I'd say I was probably using 4 or 5 drops at a time (Please note, I heard you are not supposed to use this stuff for that long, and it is a blood thinner, and you shouldn't use while pregnant, and if you have allergies for "sage family" drugs you may have an allergic reaction with this).
Anyway, I started swallowing the stuff, and really, it was not difficult. Yes, it burns somewhat, kind of like eating spicy food, but if you mix it with water it is no worse than putting a few shakes of tobasco sauce on your food.
Well, today was the true test of how well this stuff works. I am ashamed to admit this but... I had a LOT of sugar today, and I mean A LOT. Like, let's just say it was an amount that would normally make my feet soooo itchy I'd be in an incredible amount of discomfort.
But at around 6pm, it hit me. My feet didn't itch at ALL.
It's true, I did soak them in a NEW batch of 2.5 acidic Kangen water, and I am pretty sure that helped a LOT. But here is the thing... the 2.5 acidic water is really a topical method of treatment. It can only do so much if you KEEP eating sugar. Because my candida is systemic at this point. It became an internal problem, and I imagine it is all over in my system, and for whatever reason it seems to accumulate in my feet.
But today was the first time I've ever seen such a drastic reduction in my itching... honestly, it was like, there just was no itching at all. It only occurred to me later, how miraculous this was, given how much sugar I'd consumed that day (sometimes the itching prevents me from eating more sugar, but since there was no discomfort it didn't occur to me to stop).
I realize this could be a curse as well as a blessing... I really still have no business eating a lot of sugar, but caffeine and sugar does seem to help me blaze through creative projects, so this is just good for me to know for future reference.
I've posted below, links and photos of the type of Oregano Oil I used. I am really grateful to the people who wrote about it on Amazon, because it never would have occurred to me to swallow this stuff!!!
I'm going to add a lot more details to this post, but I just want to write this quick post after seeing a commercial for Kerydin, and then I saw another one for Jublia.
These medications do nothing to address the root cause of toenail fungus.... which is CANDIDA.
If you don't get rid of candida, you're going to have to keep taking dangerous medications in order to try to get rid of the problem. The root cause of candida is SUGAR.
I'm planning on writing another post about the link between candida and autism. I know, this sounds completely absurd. I thought so too. Until I looked it up, and it made sense. Now I feel like more women should know about this, because this is another one of those super simple (yet huge) things you are likely to NEVER hear about from your doctor! I'm not saying candida is the ONLY thing that could cause Autism, but I believe definitely a risk factor that most women don't know about.
Candida can affect the development of a baby's blood brain barrier, which can make them susceptible to infections and problems after vaccination. Please look it up yourself and then decide. I know I'm getting off track but I am putting this here now in the event that it could help someone.
Back to my own candida issues...
Because I have had a pretty bad addiction to sugar in my lifetime, I can tell you from EXPERIENCE that you can try treating fungus (which is caused by candida which is caused by excessive sugar) with every medication and topical treatment in the world, but if you don't actually get rid of the root cause of the fungus and candida, it's just going to keep coming back over and over again.
The best thing I found to treat fungus (aka Athlete's foot) topically is Kangen 2.5 acidic water. I'm not kidding, that stuff was incredible. Worked better than any cream I'd ever tried. In the past I found there were other things that had helped, like probiotics (20 billion live cultures daily) and coconut oil applied topically. But NOTHING worked as well as that acidic water. You can see a video on the page I made showing how it helps different skin conditions, at www.TheBestKeptBeautySecret.com.
As helpful as the acidic water was, I had to keep doing treatments because I was stubborn and didn't want to give up sugar. Expecting the problem to just go away, without attacking the SOURCE of the problem, is like turning on the bathtub faucet full blast every day, plugging up the tub, letting the water keep running, and wondering why there's always water that's spilled out onto the floor.
Your body can only handle so much. I kept hoping I could figure out the cure so I could keep on keeping on with my nasty habit. But nope, I finally realized, the only real fix was to get rid of the source of the problem. Tubs can only handle so much water, like bodies can only handle so much sugar.
It was only when I finally cut out the excessive sugar in my diet (in the form of powdery drinks) that I suddenly realized my candida issues were no longer an issue. It was like a miracle. My feet actually felt WARM, for the first time that I could remember in my life (I usually have a slight case of Reynaud's syndrome - cold feet and hands). I'm sure the Kangen water helped because it improves circulation and did seem to alleviate the candida somewhat, but there was only so much the water could do when I kept assaulting my body with sugar!
Oh yeah... and I finally got a decent "spit test." When I spat into a glass of water, after eliminating about 95 percent of my daily sugar intake, I couldn't believe I actually had mostly normal spit floating at the top of the glass. If you're not familiar with the test, go ahead and check out this video (not by me).
My spit used to look a lot more like in this video, but it's gotten way better. I will upload a picture of my "new and improved spit" when I can find the pic I took about a month ago!
You can also get rid of a certain amount of candida by drinking green juice, and doing apple cider vinegar enemas. Also, I heard Oregano oil helps (note: I heard about Oregano oil through a woman who made a great video about how it helps with a tooth abscess, and I am making a separate page regarding a tooth abscess I developed in October).
I am pasting the reviews I read, for the brand of oregano oil that seemed to help people get rid of candida (they did do some other things). I did hear you are not supposed to do this for too long, and a friend who was taking this as an antibiotic said it burned when she went to the bathroom (but I think she took it in pill form and was taking a LOT... will have to check with her on how much she used). You can see a pill form version HERE (this one has 5 star average reviews).

This is the Source Naturals brand (plus the reviews for it)...

Source Naturals Wellness Oil of Oregano, 1 Ounce
on January 7, 2015
This stuff cured me.
I didn't want to take it because of the taste....it is very strong.
My candida was so bad that I thought I was loosing all my good health.
First Some of my hair fell out & wouldn't grow back, then adult severe acne& brown areas on my face near my mouth (like dirt under my skin had set in , then body odor also a puffy stomach. These were all things I hadn't encountered I was pretty scared & first just started Paleo dieting & exercising, that made me exhausted & was not working like it had in the past. So I stopped drinking wine & I started taking candida killing products Grapefruit seed extract & cyprilic Acid I could feel some differece but not total healing, just enough to let me know that I had a serious candida problem that GSE & CA didn't seem addiquit to help.
Fast forward four months &Those problems are gone & People are amazed by my hair,,,& I am amazed by my hair.... I have not had healthy hair like this since I was a teen. My acne & disquisting body odor are gone also . Also strangely IBS that I had for many many years is gone.
If you have Candida,DON'T WASTE time with stuff that helps slightly. take 2 or 3 drops of this Oregano Oil in 8 ounces of water mix well then just chug it down! do this 2 or 3 times a day for a while then back down the amount and continue treatment for a few months.((I don't know about other Oregano Oils I have only tried this one & I will not switch). From my experience Don't just discontinue any candida regiment because candida will come back maybe stronger. Eventually you should be able to back down to a few drops in water once a day. but remember candida is in ALL of our bodies all the time waiting for enough carbohydrates and sugar or alcohol (wine in my case) to spring into action & reak havok on your health. I will keep this in my arresenal forever!!!
this container lasts a very long time, but I will re-order before I ever run out
This product does what all the other candida killers try to do but 100 times better.Because of the water it seems to reach every part of your body. I wasted a lot of healing time letting this sit on my shelf because of the taste. I tried ALL of the other products.They just bandaided the problem. I am so happy that I fanally wised up!!!!
I also want to warn people to WORK their way up start with 1 drop in 8 OUNCES of water 2 times a day then work your way up. There is something called the HERXHEIMER reaction. I had it. it was sivere chills & sleepiness when I got to 3 drops after that I started noticing pretty quick good changes!!! Look all this up... dont' just take my word. The other great product is just at your grocery store it is APPLE Cider vinegar in water(look that up too)
When I read over this review to submit it I realize that I sound like a commercial ...I am just a regular lady who is so happy to feel healthy again...I took many wrong avenues to get healthy (my sister & my hubby who both had been very worried about me will tell you that) Thank you GOD for putting a great, acessible cure to a serious problem right here on this earth for us humans (that's how I feel)
I didn't want to take it because of the taste....it is very strong.
My candida was so bad that I thought I was loosing all my good health.
First Some of my hair fell out & wouldn't grow back, then adult severe acne& brown areas on my face near my mouth (like dirt under my skin had set in , then body odor also a puffy stomach. These were all things I hadn't encountered I was pretty scared & first just started Paleo dieting & exercising, that made me exhausted & was not working like it had in the past. So I stopped drinking wine & I started taking candida killing products Grapefruit seed extract & cyprilic Acid I could feel some differece but not total healing, just enough to let me know that I had a serious candida problem that GSE & CA didn't seem addiquit to help.
Fast forward four months &Those problems are gone & People are amazed by my hair,,,& I am amazed by my hair.... I have not had healthy hair like this since I was a teen. My acne & disquisting body odor are gone also . Also strangely IBS that I had for many many years is gone.
If you have Candida,DON'T WASTE time with stuff that helps slightly. take 2 or 3 drops of this Oregano Oil in 8 ounces of water mix well then just chug it down! do this 2 or 3 times a day for a while then back down the amount and continue treatment for a few months.((I don't know about other Oregano Oils I have only tried this one & I will not switch). From my experience Don't just discontinue any candida regiment because candida will come back maybe stronger. Eventually you should be able to back down to a few drops in water once a day. but remember candida is in ALL of our bodies all the time waiting for enough carbohydrates and sugar or alcohol (wine in my case) to spring into action & reak havok on your health. I will keep this in my arresenal forever!!!
this container lasts a very long time, but I will re-order before I ever run out
This product does what all the other candida killers try to do but 100 times better.Because of the water it seems to reach every part of your body. I wasted a lot of healing time letting this sit on my shelf because of the taste. I tried ALL of the other products.They just bandaided the problem. I am so happy that I fanally wised up!!!!
I also want to warn people to WORK their way up start with 1 drop in 8 OUNCES of water 2 times a day then work your way up. There is something called the HERXHEIMER reaction. I had it. it was sivere chills & sleepiness when I got to 3 drops after that I started noticing pretty quick good changes!!! Look all this up... dont' just take my word. The other great product is just at your grocery store it is APPLE Cider vinegar in water(look that up too)
When I read over this review to submit it I realize that I sound like a commercial ...I am just a regular lady who is so happy to feel healthy again...I took many wrong avenues to get healthy (my sister & my hubby who both had been very worried about me will tell you that) Thank you GOD for putting a great, acessible cure to a serious problem right here on this earth for us humans (that's how I feel)
on January 23, 2015
I have never taken OOO before but I can tell you that I am blown away. My sinuses cleared up within hours after 2 drops, and I didn't even have a cold. I also brushed my teeth with a third drop and Coconut Oil before bed.
Day two 3 more drops in my system and the white blotchy coating on my tongue ( suspected candida overgrowth in my system) is half gone already. I am stunned. I heard it worked fast and it is no joke.
Yes the tase is strong but who cares with results like this. I will be working my way up to abt 10 drops a day for a short time to see how it helps my other candidasymptoms. I am also using it topically on the actinic keratosis on my temple going with the cancer is a fungus research.
Lastly, $15 for 1 oz is fantastic. I will stick with this brand because they make it so affordable with great results. The more expensive companies would rather see profits than truly helping peoples health.
Update: 4 Feb 2015
Do not brush your teeth with this often as I have found that it irritates the gums and if I put it under my tongue more than a couple drops a day it causes serious irritation to that soft tissue. It is just so strong. I mostly take it in a little water and shoot it. The AK on my temple after two weeks is mostly eaten away and with no cracking and bleeding like the Efudex garbage from the dermatologist. There is just some peeling and nice smooth skin underneath. I have been diluting it with coconut oil which has vitamin c powder mixed in. Very pleased so far.
Day two 3 more drops in my system and the white blotchy coating on my tongue ( suspected candida overgrowth in my system) is half gone already. I am stunned. I heard it worked fast and it is no joke.
Yes the tase is strong but who cares with results like this. I will be working my way up to abt 10 drops a day for a short time to see how it helps my other candidasymptoms. I am also using it topically on the actinic keratosis on my temple going with the cancer is a fungus research.
Lastly, $15 for 1 oz is fantastic. I will stick with this brand because they make it so affordable with great results. The more expensive companies would rather see profits than truly helping peoples health.
Update: 4 Feb 2015
Do not brush your teeth with this often as I have found that it irritates the gums and if I put it under my tongue more than a couple drops a day it causes serious irritation to that soft tissue. It is just so strong. I mostly take it in a little water and shoot it. The AK on my temple after two weeks is mostly eaten away and with no cracking and bleeding like the Efudex garbage from the dermatologist. There is just some peeling and nice smooth skin underneath. I have been diluting it with coconut oil which has vitamin c powder mixed in. Very pleased so far.
on July 12, 2015
After a regimen of antibiotics, I got a candida outbreak in my mouth of all places to the point my tongue was snowwhite, it was so bad I couldn't eat and had a low grade fever. I took a few drops of this w/water or juice for a few days with some Kumbacha (no sugar as it feeds the candida) for probiotics and within that time gargling with it as well to attack it at the source, I was feeling much better and 14lbs lighter.(From the infection)
on April 15, 2015
Antioxidant, Antifungal, Antibacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Antiasthma, Anticarcinogen, Antihistamine, Anti-E. Coli, Anti-Candida, Antipsoriasis, Anti-indigestion, Antiallergen, Antiparasitic, Antiseptic, and many more health benefits.
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