Thursday, February 20, 2025

The Incredible Benefits of Cloves for Acid Reflux and More!

A while back I saw this incredible testimonial for clove extract, on Quora, and had to share it. You can see it on this page. 

I'm also going to share a few videos about the benefits of cloves and clove extract. According to Dr. Eric Berg, in the video below, cloves at one time were worth MORE THAN GOLD. Keep reading, and watch the videos, to see why. It has antifungal, antiviral, and anti-candida properties.  

 Copied and pasted from THIS PAGE:

I want to share an experience my wife went through while she had acid reflux problem for several months. We visited a hospital which was the famous for gastroentrology. The rumour is that the lead doctor is trying to appear in Guinness book of records for having performed maximum number of esophageal surgery. Without even spending not more than a minute attending to my wife’s problem, he informed us his assistant will explain us next steps. His assistant doctor immediately suggested next Thursday for a surgery at another branch of the same hospital. Funny, the assistant doctor had more gas reflex problem than anyone could have. He could not even speak continuously for 2 minutes with gasping out air through mouth.

Luckily, before being admitted to surgery, we came to know about another gastroentrologist, who is a MD. She is also a professor and teaches Gastroenterology subject in a leading medical college in the city. The hospital doctor who is striving for Guinness records and appears on TV is a MS i.e. Gastroenterology surgeon.

After examining the patient thoroughly, she (MD doctor) suggested methods of how to eat food slowly and drink water etc., and then prescribed Prazole tables for 3 days and she told my wife even the tablets are optional and she is prescribing for our psychological comfort only.

Then she told my wife to do something for the next 3 days to cure acid reflux, which cost nothing and no side effect. She asked my wife to keep one piece of clove on the side of the mouth throughout the day for 3 days and said it would help salivate. And, to our surprise, the problem was gone in 3 days without medicine and without surgery. Keeping a single clove inside the mouth did the trick. We were very thankful to the MD doctor. Subsequently she became our preferred doctor as a general physician and she even referred us to her other colleagues for specialist appointments. She is a professor in a medical college.

The meeting with a Cardiologist professor she referred was another interesting experience after having went through the earlier hospital’s cardiologist. I couldn’t avoid the hospital due to my employer’s health insurance coverage.

This is the one I use. I love the clove taste. Got it from the Vitamin Shoppe. 

A few years ago when I got Covid, I used wormwood extract that had clove extract in it (shown here to the left) and I loved the taste of it - maybe because the smell of cloves reminds me of being a teenager, going to clubs and smelling clove cigarettes (I never smoked them, but now I like the throwback smell).  

This stuff wiped out my Covid body aches within 15 minutes, no joke. Though I believe the MAIN thing that worked for the body aches was the Artemisinin (wormwood) extract, more than the cloves. I'd first bought a bottle of JUST wormwood extract with no clove extract in it and it worked great, but tasted HORRIBLE. It was soooo bitter. When I gave it to my boyfriend he actually said he thought I must be trying to poison him because it was so bad. But he couldn't deny it wiped out his body aches in 15 minutes, too. Also worked for another friend of mine when he got Covid. I love this stuff so much 

I did have to take this more than once, for Covid, because Covid is like a fire that can smolder. Just because it looks like you put it out, doesn't mean there can't be parts that aren't still active or burning, so it can resurface. But that's not a big deal if you have something that you can just keep dousing it with. For me, that product that worked great was this stuff. Wormwood extract. My favorite is this one to the left. You might even be able to use wormwood leaves from the plant, which grows wild in many areas.  Just make sure to do LOTS OF RESEARCH to be sure it is, indeed, wormwood, ,and make sure that the amount you are taking is safe. The amount that works for me and my dogs seems to be about the amount I can stuff into a medium sized capsule. I'm not telling you what you should do, just sharing my experience with what appeared to work well for me. 

You can read about why artemisinin prevents viral replication on THIS PAGE. And you can read more about what I used to wipe out Covid on THIS PAGE.  I should note that after I got Covid, the first bottle of wormwood extract I bought worked well, but it was sooooo bitter. Eventually I bought the brand from the Vitamin Shoppe with Clove in it, and it was SO MUCH more tolerable. I actually liked the taste of it.

But back to the Clove extract...

Personally, I love the taste of clove extract

Saturday, February 1, 2025

The Incredible Healing Powers of L. Reuteri Yogurt

I just learned L. Reuteri doubles every 3 hours at body temperature (from the video about using it as a face mask), so in 36 hours you can get 12 times the amount of L. Reuteri that you would have had to buy from the store! But you no longer have to buy it, because if you just save it in the fridge, you can continue to make your own! I have a friend who has been doing this for years, but I never got around to doing it until I saw Dr. Berg's video with Dr. Davis that shows how easy it is to make it. Once I learned I can make it in my instant pot, I was hooked! 

Lactobacillus reuteri (L. reuteri) is a probiotic that may help with collagen deposition, skin health, and wound healingL. reuteri may also help with bone metabolism. 
Collagen deposition
  • A study found that mice that consumed L. reuteri had faster collagen deposition, which is important for wound healing. 
  • L. reuteri may help with collagen deposition by upregulating genes that are important for skin barrier function. 
Skin health
  • L. reuteri may help with skin health by reducing damage caused by oxidative stress from ultraviolet B (UVB) exposure. 
  • L. reuteri may help with skin hydration and elasticity by enhancing the production of ceramides and other lipids. 
Wound healing 
  • L. reuteri extracts may help with wound healing by regulating the PI3K/AKT/β-catenin/TGFβ1 pathway.
Bone metabolism 
  • A study found that L. reuteri supplementation reduced bone loss in older women with low bone mineral density.
Side effects 
  • L. reuteri is generally safe, but it can have side effects like bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

L Reuteri:Gasseri Instant Pot Duo Mini Version

This Yogurt Changed My Life, SIBO, Rosacea



Lactobacillus reuteri (L. reuteri) is a probiotic bacterium that may improve insulin sensitivity and glucose homeostasis. Some studies have found that L. reuteri can decrease HbA1c levels in some people, but other studies have found no effect. 
Studies that found a decrease in HbA1c
  • Lactobacillus reuteri ADR-1
    One study found that people who took L. reuteri ADR-1 had a decreasing trend in HbA1c levels. 
  • Lactobacillus reuteri ADR-3
    One study found that people who took L. reuteri ADR-3 and had an 8-fold increase in fecal L. reuteri had a significant reduction in HbA1c. 
Studies that found no effect on HbA1c 
  • Lactobacillus reuteri DSM 17938One study found that people with type 2 diabetes who took L. reuteri DSM 17938 for 12 weeks did not have a change in HbA1c.
Other effects of L. reuteri 
  • L. reuteri may improve insulin sensitivity
  • L. reuteri may increase insulin secretion
  • L. reuteri may modulate the gut microbiota
  • L. reuteri may improve gut integrity
  • L. reuteri may attenuate hepatic disorders
  • L. reuteri may help control body weight and obesity