I was so excited about this technology, when I first learned about it in 2014, that I started scouting retail locations in the hopes that I could open up a PEMF store. It truly blew me away that I'd never heard of this technology before, and in my opinion, everyone should get the chance to experience it.
Dr. Oz did a whole show about PEMF. He even encouraged all the people in his studio audience to please tell their doctors about it! You can see the video, below.
Part of the reason I got so excited when I learned about Electrolyzed Reduced Water, is that the "before and after" pictures I'd seen, showing blood cells from a person who drank electrolyzed reduced water looked so much like the before and after photos I'd seen from people who'd had a PEMF treatment. Below, you will find two videos that will show before and after results of Electrolyzed Reduced Water, as well as PEMF.
This video shows what a person's blood looks like, after they drink medical grade electrolyzed reduced water.
I love that I can share both these technologies and products with people.
I knew from early on, in my research, that BEMER was the machine I wanted to get. It has the most medical research behind it (you can see studies and comparisons, further down the page), and it's also proven to have effects that last longer than other machines. We finally purchased a BEMER machine in 2016, and I'm so happy we did. You can see an overview of how Bemer works, by clicking on the video below.
Please note that Bemer makes NO claims to treat, cure or prevent any disease. Their machines are designed to improve blood flow and they give many people a general feeling of wellness, but they make no health claims, and if you have a serious medical condition, you should be under the care of a physician.
BEMER Physical Vascular Therapy is used in 4000+ hospitals and clinics in 42 countries, and
is FDA registered in the US.
- Nutrient and Oxygen Supply
- Waste disposal
- General Bloodflow
- Cardiac Function
- Sleep Management
- Physical Fitness
- Endurance
- Strength
- Energy
- Concentration
- Mental Acuity
- Stress Reduction
- Relaxation
- Vasomotion
And some great news - BEMER just offered a FINANCING PROGRAM!
You can see a whole lot more information about BEMER, by clicking HERE.
To see a Price Comparison of the Bemer Classic, vs. the Bemer Pro,