Kangen water is not intended to be a "cure" or "treatment" for anything, and if you injure yourself you should seek medical attention from a physician. I am posting this to tell the story of my own experience with Kangen water, but I can't tell you what you should do. Just because something worked for me, doesn't mean it will work the same for you. But I am just telling you about my own personal story, and documenting it with photos.
On October 6th, 2021, I cut my finger... bad... while handling a very large, heavy block of firewood (about a 30 pounds) I was attempting to load into my car. It suddenly slipped out of my hand, and somehow it fell hard right on top of my fingernail, pulled it back, and also cut the bottom of my finger in one fell swoop.
Note: You should be able to view any of these photos in a slightly larger size by just clicking on it.

I've had a lot of cuts and bruises in my lifetime, but I've never had a time where I saw so much blood pouring out of a wound, as quickly as it happened with this one. Usually it takes a good 10-20 seconds for blood to appear from a cut, but not this time. There was blood all over the tip of my finger, immediately, because apparently, part of my fingernail lifted right off.
I grabbed a napkin from the car, wrapped it around my finger, and kept it wrapped tightly for the next few hours (I later learned, from listening to a very informative video by Dr. Suzanne Humphries, that it's best to let a cut bleed first, to clean it out, but it was bleeding so bad my first instinct was just to stop the bleeding ASAP). Since my mid-20's, I get this weird thing where I feel faint at the sight of my own blood, so I was largely trying to keep myself from passing out!
I could feel my finger going numb, and my head was getting kind of cold, so I was kind of freaking out a little. I have a very low tolerance for pain (part of the reason I like to help others with health.... I can't stand to see people with chronic pain... it's painful for me to watch)!
As soon as I got home, I soaked my finger in a shot glass of Kangen 2.5 ph water (hypochlorous acid). I've been using it on wounds for years, after seeing lots of studies that show how much it helps with skin healing. You can read more about that HERE and see how it helped my cat HERE. I have a lot more stories than this.

Luckily, the bleeding stopped (or at least, it slowed way down) after I applied pressure and soaked it in hypochlorous acid. I know there are people who would have said "You need to go to the hospital and get stiches!" But honestly I have never seen anything heal skin wounds as well as Enagic's hypochlorous acid. When I use the stuff, it heals in a way that's like... I can't even tell there was ever any damage to begin with. Maybe it's because your body actually makes hypochlorous acid, so it just gives your body more of what already works. Who knows.PLEASE NOTE: I am not saying that YOU should not go to a hospital if this ever happens to you. We live in a country where you are not supposed to try to take serious health matters into your own hands, so I have to tell you, if you injure yourself, go see a doctor. I'm just sharing with you, what I did, when my own finger was injured. I have a good amount of experience using hypochlorous acid for wound healing, and have seen many cases where it seemed to work wonders, so I personally felt confident that it would do a great job in healing this wound without stitches or medical intervention, but that doesn't mean you would definitely have the same exact experience. I'm not a doctor and can't tell you what to do.
I should mention that I also did drink Kangen 9.5 pH antioxidant water, which, in my experience, appears to improve circulation, remove toxic waste, and promote healing (but I am not saying it couldn't have worked without me drinking it - I'm guessing it probably would have... if I was not healthy it may have been a different story). I am mentioning this because I do have one friend (with a severe autoimmune condition) who doesn't react well to hypochlorous acid for deep wounds, and I have always wondered if maybe it's important to give your body a good dose of antioxidants at the same time it's getting an overdose of powerful oxidants (like hypochlorous acid is), so things kind of balance out. I'm not an expert, this is just my own theory. I can't say how your body will react to hypochlorous acid. It seems to work like a miracle for me, personally, but I cannot say how your body will react to it.

Got a pretty bad "blood blister" from that darn log! But luckily, Mother Nature knows how to heal things pretty well, as long as you take steps to help the healing process. I tried not to drink too much coffee, because in my experience, drinking coffee causes wounds to heal poorly. I don't know if it's the coffee or the cream and sugar (maybe both) but whatever the case, I tried not to have too much caffeine in the following weeks.
The damage was so bad, I couldn't feel the tip of my finger.
I don't want to digress too much from the story of my injured finger, but this experience turned out to be a huge blessing, because I got to see, kind of by accident, how immensely powerful CBD oil is. I'm going to write a post about that, separately.
Pain started to kick in a few hours after my injury (it was like my finger kinda went into shock... or I did... so I didn't really feel it at first). I have such a low tolerance for pain, I grabbed a bottle of 40:1 CBD oil I'd bought from Airfield Cannabis supply about a month prior, largely to put topically on my wrist which got badly injured from handling my 5G cell phone for too long (this is no joke, cell phones can really damage your nerves if you're not careful... on this page you can see how much radiation they give off, and that was BEFORE 5G came along).
After taking that CBD oil, I felt NO PAIN that evening, and didn't feel any pain again throughout the entirety of my healing, except for when I'd accidently hit my finger (that really smarted).
Removing the bandage the next day... I was a little scared to look because I was slightly worried i might feel faint at the sight of my own blood (I knew there would be a lot) but I really wanted to get photos of the whole thing, because in all my own personal experiences with kangen water, it heals wounds very quickly. So I wanted good before and after pics.
What my bandaged finger looked like in the morning, on 10-7-21.
Unraveling the bandage...
Ewww, ewwww...
You can see how bad the bleeding was, even in the morning! There was still some blood oozing out from under my fingernail. This could have partly been because I took Oregano Oil as an antibiotic (10 drops in a capsule), and it's a natural blood thinner. Knowing this, I also drank a really big mug of green tea mixed with dandelion root tea, plus CoQ10 (about 800 mg), because I've read these things can help blood to clot.
Looking at how bruised and damaged my finger was, I felt extremely grateful to have a good supply of hypochlorous acid (I should note here that I did not even use any antibiotic ointment).
We are SO LUCKY to have access to tools that help us to heal. I have been reading an awesome book by called Dissolving Illusions, by Dr. Suzanne Humphries (most brilliant doctor I've ever heard speak... you can see a page with lots of her videos, here). She chronicles, in great detail, how bad health conditions were during the Polio era. Many children didn't live past their teenage years because sanitation was so bad and you could easily die from an infection. So I feel extremely grateful that we are living in a day and age where we have access to clean water and improved sanitation, and the internet that allows us to do research on disinfectants that are used in countries with the best healthcare systems like Japan (ranked #1 in longevity for over 20 years by the W.H.O.) and Taiwan.
If I lived in a factory town in the 1800s and didn't have a good way to prevent infection and improve circulation and wound healing, this finger could have easily have become badly infected. I can't really afford to go to a hospital right now, so I need to do what I can, to try to stay healthy enough so that I don't need to go to a hospital!
After reading Dr.. Humphries' book, it's hard not to think about how, during the 1800s and early 1900s, a wound like this could actually have taken a person's life. Many people (including children) back then were extremely stressed out, over-worked and didn't have access to clean water, healthy food, or proper wound care. Despite all the madness going on, in 2020 and 2021, this is still a really lucky time for us to be alive!
Sorry for the grossness of my just-removed-bandaid.
You can see the my cat's hair stuck to the sticky parts.
From this angle, you can see my injured finger is still pretty swollen at the tip. It felt like it was still full of lymphatic fluid.
I know, to some people it'll look like these nails are in gross need of a manicure, but I just don't have the time to get one, or paint my own nails. And not a lot of desire, since I learned how toxic most nail polish is!
I wanted to take more pics in the interim, but once the swelling went down and I was able go without a band-aid (which I had to use for about a week), I just kind of forgot about my finger. The other day, I wanted to get a photo of the blood blister mark, as it was just about to fall off (amazing how new layers of skin are constantly created, pushing dead old cells out) but my phone didn't have enough space to take a photo.
October 23, 2021
I know, this nail bed looks really nasty, but I'm just so happy it healed well, and I know my body is trying to grow in a new nail bed. A very similar thing happened to one of my big toes, about 5 months ago - the old toenail fell off, and I have almost an entirely new toenail, now. I've been meaning to do a post about it but just hadn't gotten around to it.
And new for the best part...
Check out how well the other side of my finger has healed. Just over 2 weeks after the injury (15 days, to be exact), I can barely see any signs that there had been any injury at all. This is pretty much how it's been with every cut I've ever had, since I started using the Kangen 2.5. Hypochlorous acid.
If I didn't know which finger was injured, I don't know if I'd be able to tell which one had a deep gash in it, just a few weeks ago.
The Kangen 2.5 acidic water is really amazing stuff, and the fact that this isn't used in hospitals here, like it is in Japan, is just a travesty, in my opinion.
If any of my friends or relatives who live close by to me, would like to try it, just get in touch with me and I will give you a bottle so you can see for yourself how good it is. You can keep it in the fridge for several months and it's awesome : ).