Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Check out this Study that shows OREGANO OIL can kill the Human Coronavirus

Oregano oil may be Mother Nature's GREATEST GIFT, when it comes to viral defense.

I will be explaining WHY I think Oregano Oil works so well for attacking viruses, further down the page. 

Personally, I have never seen any single compound that is stronger, when it comes to killing pathogens, than Oregano oil. It even kills candida, which is considered very hard to kill.  

Please note, I am unable to give Medical advice, I am not a doctor. Oregano oil is VERY STRONG stuff, and although I have never had any adverse reactions, I cannot say what is safe for any other person. If you have never used oregano oil, I highly suggest you read the reviews for different brands of oregano oil on, and if you need guidance, consult with your healthcare practitioner, or a Naturopath who is experienced with Oregano oil. 

I found this really powerful video that shows how Carvacrol, the virus-killing ingredient in Oregano oil, kills pathogens like bacteria. Keep in mind that bacteria is much larger, and much harder to kill, than a coronavirus.

There is a woman named Jini Patel Thompson, who has written an affordable guide about Oregano oil, and I would recommend contacting her if you have questions about Oregano Oil. You can see her website, here (and her contact info is on this page). I have never met her or even spoken with her (but I did get her Amazon guide on Oregano Oil).  I appreciate that she has been giving it to her kids for many years (I saw this video, below, which showed me how to take it, and have been doing this for over 5 years). You can see that video below. You can also see that she has a lot of helpful videos on Youtube. She appears to be someone that genuinely cares about peoples' health. She does not make medical claims about Oregano oil and COVID, I am just recommending her as someone to call if you have questions about taking Oregano Oil. 

Please have a look at this study, which shows how oregano oil was able to kill coronaviruses in viral titers of 15 million, to non-detectable levels, within 20 minutes! 

Here's an excerpt from the study, which was tested on a human coronavirus (click HERE for the full article, and I will paste the info at the bottom of the page just in case for some reason it disappears).  

From the study:
CONCLUSIONS When tested as described, Oreganol P73 Extra Strength Formula and Oregacyn at final testing concentrations of 0.1% and 0.01% respectively, inactivated HCoV in direct proportion to exposure time when HCoV was exposed to each test agent for 2, 5, 10, 15, and 20 minutes at ambient room temperature. All of the controls met the criteria established for a valid test. These conclusions are based on observed data. 


The oregano oil alone reduced viral titers from over 5 million particles per ml at baseline, to 167 particles per ml within 15 minutes. At 20 minutes, the titers were down to 150 particles per ml. The Oregacillin combination reduced titers from over 5 million, to 133 particles per ml in 15 minutes. Within 20 minutes, they were reduced to non-detectable levelsThe investigators noted that both preparations were able to halt viral replication within the host cells.

Definition of viral titers:
A viral titer is the lowest concentration of a virus that still infects cells. To determine the titer, several dilutions are prepared, such as 101, 102, 103, ... 108. The titer of a fat is the temperature, in degrees Celsius, at which it solidifies. The higher the titer, the harder the fat.

I'm NOT saying this is a "cure," but in my opinion, anything that can reduce a viral load THIS much is worth knowing about. 

Here's another study. Keep in mind that Novoviruses are harder to kill, than coronaviruses.

Antiviral efficacy and mechanisms of action of oregano essential oil and its primary component carvacrol against murine norovirus

Free article


Aims: To investigate the antiviral efficacy of oregano oil and its primary active component, carvacrol, against the nonenveloped murine norovirus (MNV), a human norovirus surrogate.

Methods and results: Along with an observed loss in cell culture infectivity, the antiviral mechanisms of action were determined in side-by-side experiments including a cell-binding assay, an RNase I protection assay and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Both antimicrobials produced statistically significant reductions (P ≤ 0·05) in virus infectivity within 15 min of exposure (c. 1·0-log10). Despite this, the MNV infectivity remained stable with increasing time exposure to oregano oil (1·07-log10 after 24 h), while carvacrol was far more effective, producing up to 3·87-log10 reductions within 1 h. Based on the RNase I protection assay, both antimicrobials appeared to act directly upon the virus capsid and subsequently the RNA. Under TEM, the capsids enlarged from ≤35 nm in diameter to up to 75 nm following treatment with oregano oil and up to 800 nm with carvacrol; with greater expansion, capsid disintegration could be observed. Virus adsorption to host cells did not appear to be affected by either antimicrobial.

Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that carvacrol is effective in inactivating MNV within 1 h of exposure by acting directly on the viral capsid and subsequently the RNA.

Significance and impact of the study: This study provides novel findings on the antiviral properties of oregano oil and carvacrol against MNV and demonstrates the potential of carvacrol as a natural food and surface (fomite) sanitizer to control human norovirus.

Keywords: human norovirus; mechanism of action; nonenveloped viruses; plant antimicrobials; sanitizer.

Just yesterday, I was looking at a chart showing the pathogens killed by Hypochlorous Acid (I have a machine that makes it) and it was compared to other things like bleach and 2.5 "acidic water" (which is what non-medical-grade ionizers produce). The hypochlorous acid killed the pathogens, and while the simple "2.5 acidic water" was able to kill some pathogens, it was not able to kill candida. Not a lot of things can kill candida, but hypochlorous acid is one thing, and so is oregano oil.

Oregano Oil can kill Influenza... an enveloped virus (which is what covid is)

It didn't surprise me too much to hear Oregano oil could work against coronaviruses, since I've beat the Flu / Influenza with it for about 5 years.  It burns like the devil if you get it directly on your skin (if you do, wash it off immediately with soap and water) but I think that's why it works so well (I usually put it in empty capsules, vs. chugging drops down with ice water, so I don't feel it... as long as I take the capsule with food and water, so it doesn't get stuck in my throat and dissolve there). Please note that if you put drops of strong oregano oil into a capsule, the capsule will start to dissolve quickly, within 5 to 10 minutes, so you want to be sure to take it right away.

How big is a milliliter? I'm pasting the info below, from this page:

MilliliterA milliliter is a very small amount of liquid.

Here is a milliliter of milk in a teaspoon.

It only fills the bottom of the teaspoon!

The Membrane Attack Complex

There's something called Membrane Attack Complex, where your immune system  "burns" a tiny pore in the cell membrane of an enveoped virus. That causes it to fall apart, and the virus becomes inactivated. I'll have videos about the Cell Membrane Attack Complex, further down the page.

Coronaviruses are among the easiest types of pathogen to kill

I read  on the EPA's site that coronaviruses are NOT hard to kill, which is what prompted me to look this up.  The site says: EPA’s emerging viral pathogen guidance was triggered for SARS-CoV-2 on Jan. 29, 2020. This type of human coronavirus is an enveloped virus, meaning it is one of the easiest types of viruses to kill.

And here's a screenshot (underlined) of the page:

It would have been nice if Oregano Oil could have been had been listed on the CDC's page!

I do realize that SARS-CoV-2 is not something we should take lightly.  Many people give the impression that it's hard to kill, partly because it infects people without them realizing they are contagious, and it replicates quickly and burrows itself into the respiratory system. 

But from what I've seen, this virus appears to be surprisingly easy to kill when it comes into contact with Oregano oil.  There was a time when I was sure I had just caught COVID-19, and the fever / sore, scratchy throat / headache / body aches / slight chills I had coming on, completely went away when I also added Wellness Formula and made a Throwback Jack (you can find links on how to make one, on this page).

Oregano oil can lower iron levels, but here's why it's not a problem for me

You should know, Oregano Oil is a blood thinner because it can cause cell lysis. This is not generally a bad thing, since our cells are constantly renewing (the human body makes 3.8 million new blood cells PER SECOND, and most of them are blood). But overall I believe that if you don't take too much (like, no more than one handmade capsule of the really strong stuff) it's still pretty safe (do your own research or check with your doctor if you're not sure, but I haven't had any issues with it, personally).  I just need a dose or two to knock out a cold, so it's not like I have to take tons of the stuff.  Luckily there are things you can do to keep from getting too low on iron. 

Since I try to donate blood every 8 weeks, I've been on the lookout for ways to ensure my iron is high enough so that I can donate. Because I mostly stick to a vegetarian diet and don't and don't eat regular meals, I tend to be low on iron / hemoglobin. After trying lots of different things to ensure I can pass my hemoglobin test, I've found that the thing that works the BEST, hands down, is these simple, cheap Prenatal vitamins I get from Costco. 

These vitamins seem to go on sale every 3 months or so, and are sooo worth it. They're also good for growing hair and nails (at least in women... probably in men, too, but I haven't researched it). I read a review by a woman who said her 98 year old Grandpa takes them to beat anemia, and there were several other people who reported these vitamins helped with their anemia.  When they're on sale at Costco it's just $15.99 for a 5 month supply (around $20 when not on sale). Although the pills are fairly large, they've got a smooth surface that makes them more slippery / easy to swallow, so they don't stick in my throat.  They're easy to swallow with food, and they don't make me nauseous. You can see how much my iron levels improved after I started taking them. Before that, I would often fail, unless I was taking vitamins or supplements that could cost me a lot of money. 

Coronaviruses are considered to be one of the easiest types to kill

Today I was doing research on COVID-19, and was surprised to read on the CDC's site that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is an enveloped virus, and therefore, considered to be one of the easiest types to kill. I'm NOT saying this is a "cure" for anyone, but it gave me hope to keep searching, to see if there were certain essential oils and things that might be able to reduce a person's viral load. 

There's something about oregano oil that seems to work kind of like the "Membrane Attack Complex" - one of the mechanisms your immune system uses to kill pathogens.  You can learn more about that, here:

Complement Cascade Membrane Attack Complex

Membrane Attack Complex - Terminal Steps of Complement Pathways (Part V) (FL-Immuno/17)

Complement pathway Animation - Classial Pathway , Alternative pathway , Lectin pathway

Complement System – An Introduction

The classical pathway is primarily activated by the binding of C1 to antigen-antibody complexes containing the immunoglobulins IgM or IgG. The alternative pathway can be activated by IgA immune complexes and also by nonimmunologic materials including bacterial endotoxins, microbial polysaccharides, and cell walls. Activation of the classical pathway triggers an enzymatic cascade involving C1, C4, C2, and C3; activation of the alternative pathway triggers a cascade involving C3 and factors B and D and properdin. Both pathways result in cleavage of C5 and formation of the membrane attack complex, which in its final state creates a pore in the cell wall and causes cell lysis. Complement activation also results in the formation of many biologically active complement fragments that act as anaphylatoxins, opsonins, or chemotactic factors. Fragments resulting from proteolytic cleavage of complement proteins are designated with lower-case-letter suffixes, e.g., C3a.

membrane attack complex

Also found in: DictionaryThesaurusFinancialAcronymsEncyclopedia.


1. the sum, combination, or collection of various things or related factors, like or unlike; e.g., a complex of symptoms (see syndrome).
2. a group of interrelated ideas, mainly unconscious, that have a common emotional tone and strongly influence a person's attitudes and behavior.
3. that portion of an electrocardiographic tracing which represents the systole of an atrium or ventricle.
AIDS-related complex (ARC) a complex of signs and symptoms occurring in HIV infection including fever, weight loss, prolonged diarrhea, minor opportunistic infections, lymphadenopathy, and changes in cells of the immune system.
antigen-antibody complex here the complex formed by the noncovalent binding of an antibody and antigen. Complexes of antibodies belonging to certain immunoglobulin classes may activate complement. Called also immune complex.
anti-inhibitor coagulant complex (AICC) a concentrated fraction from pooled human plasma, which includes various coagulation factors. It is administered intravenously as an antihemorrhagic in hemophilic patients with inhibitors to coagulation factor VIII.
atrial complex the P wave of the electrocardiogramrepresenting electrical activity of the atria. See also ventricular complex.
castration complex in psychoanalytic theory, unconscious thoughts and motives stemming from fear of loss of the genitals as punishment for forbidden sexual desires.
Electra complex libidinous fixation of a daughter toward her father. This term is rarely used, since oedipus complex is generally applied to both sexes.
factor IX complex a sterile, freeze-dried powder consisting of partially purified coagulation factor IX fraction, as well as concentrated factor II, VII, and X fractions, of venous plasma from healthy human donors. It is used in the prophylaxis and treatment of bleeding in patients with hemophilia Breplacement of factor VII in patients deficient in that factor, and treatment of anticoagulant-induced hemorrhageAdministered intravenously.
Ghon complex primary complex (def. 1).
Golgi complex golgi apparatus.
HLA complex the human major histocompatibility complexwhich contains the hla antigens.
immune complex antigen-antibody complex.
inclusion complex one in which molecules of one type are enclosed within cavities in the crystalline lattice of another substance.
inferiority complex unconscious feelings of inadequacy, producing shyness or timidity or, as a compensation, exaggerated agressiveness and expression of superiority; based on Alfred Adler's concept that everyone is born with a feeling of inferiority stemming from real or imagined physical or psychological deficiency, with the manner in which the inferiority is handled determining behavior.
interpolated premature ventricular complex a premature ventricular complex that does not interfere with the conduction of the next sinus beat, i.e., it lacks the usual following compensatory pause.
major histocompatibility complex (MHC) the chromosomal region containing genes that control the histocompatibility antigens; in humans it controls the hla antigens.
membrane attack complex (MAC) C5b,6,7,8,9, the five-molecule complex that is the cytolytic agent of the complement system.
Oedipus complex see oedipus complex.
primary complex
1. the combination of a parenchymal pulmonary lesion (Ghon focusand a corresponding lymph node focus, occurring in primary tuberculosis, usually in children. Similar lesions may also be associated with other mycobacterial infections and with fungal infections.
2. the primary cutaneous lesion at the site of infection in the skin, e.g., chancre in syphilis and tuberculous chancre.
QRS complex a group of waves seen on an electrocardiogramrepresenting ventricular depolarization. Called also QRS wave. It actually consists of three distinct waves created by the passage of the cardiac electrical impulse through the ventricles and occurs at the beginning of each ventricular contraction. In a normal surface electrocardiogram the R wave is the upward deflection; the first downward deflection represents a Q wave and the final downward deflection is the S wave. The Q and S waves may be extremely weak and sometimes are absent.

One abnormality of the QRS complex is increased voltage resulting from enlargement of heart muscle, which produces increased quantities of electric current. A low-voltage QRS complex may result from toxic conditions of the heart, most commonly from fluid in the pericardium. Pleural effusion and emphysema also can cause a decrease in the voltage of the QRS complex.
VATER complex an association of congenital anomalies consisting of vertebral defects, imperforate anus, tracheoesophageal fistula, and radial and renal dysplasia.
ventricular complex the Q, R, S, and T waves of the electrocardiogramrepresenting ventricular electrical activity. See also atrial complex.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.

mem·brane at·tack com·plex (MAC)


complex of complement components (C5-C9) that, when activated, bind to the membrane of a target cell, penetrating it with a hydrophobic residue exteriorly and a hydrophilic residue in the interior of the cell; this allows passage of ions and water, swelling of the cell and subsequent lysis.

(Gee, this sounds just like what a SURFACTANT does...). A surfactant has a hydrophobic tail and a hydrophilic head, and when these little molecular buggers come iinto contact with a virus, they  insert themselves into the cell membrane, which is like burning a hole in the cell membrane, and it starts to fall apart.

membrane attack complex

 complex of complement proteins that assembles at, and later inserts into, a cell membrane, causing complement-mediated lysis. The membranolytic sequence is initiated when complement C5b interacts with C6 and binds to C7, which becomes hydrophobic and inserts into the membrane; C8 binding causes slow cell lysis, although a fully active MAC, with accompanying rapid cell lysis, requires the insertion of C9 polymers.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.

membrane attack complex

 ring-like complex of COMPLEMENT proteins that form a pore in the membrane of target cells, such as bacteria, leading to the inflow of water and sodium ions so that the cell is often destroyed.
Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005

I started off doing research on Oregano Oil, because I feel that it is my job to be able to show what kind of likelihood there is, that the hypochlorous acid from my machine could possibly kill the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We can't make any definite claims, but I really want to know, MYSELF, what is the likelihood that this stuff works,  compared to other things on the market. 

(UPDATE 11-18-20)  In the last 5 months, there have been 3 times when I've gone out shopping with a friend (usually to Trader Joe's and the Dollar Store), and came home with a sore throat. I was able to knock it out EVERY SINGLE TIME, using Oregano Oil as part of a fast, easy and inexpensive virus-annihilating protocol (which I'll describe further down the page).

The first time it happened, my throat was just moderately sore, but that is ALWAYS a sign of an oncoming viral infection for me. My throat is pretty sensitive and alerts me right away if something is up. I've never understood why people say the virus needs to "incubate" because it seems like every single time I get sick, I can feel it within an hour, and I can always trace it to having been out in public, or not being careful with germs.

I heard that 50% of the people who are contracting COVID-19 do wear masks out in public. Apparently, the virus is tiny enough to get right through many cloth masks, and many people (myself included) are not all that great about spraying off their masks with disinfectant, as soon as they take them off. I am totally guilty of this also, but it is partly because I know, from experience, how well Oregano Oil works (if my throat is REALLY sore I will do more, which I will describe further down the page). 

If vaccines are effective because they are able to take a very small amount of a pathogen, introduce it into your body, and let your body slowly develop its own resistance to the virus over time (and not overload your system to the point where you die in the process), then I couldn't help wondering if we could achieve a similar result by reducing the viral load of a virus like the one that causes COVID-19. 

Censorship is REAL, people. 

I knew censorship existed, to some degree, but I have never in my life seen it to the degree that I have as it's taking place during this pandemic.

This study cannot be found on Pubmed, which seems a little odd to me.

I had to dig around a bit, but found the study HERE.

Antiviral and Virucidal Activities of Oreganol P73-based Spice Extracts Against Human Coronavirus In Vitro: 121 Ijaz, Z Chen, S Raja, D Suchmann, P Royt, C Ingram, J Gray, G Paolilli

Antiviral Research 62 (2)

What is going on...  I have been doing health research for over 10 years, have spent hundreds of hours reading studies on PubMed and Google Scholar, and I have never ever seen a case of a Title in a search result come up as being black in color, instead of a clickable blue link... until today.

Is it my imagination, or did this study get censored because it works extremely well? 

I use a brand of Oregano Oil called Telia Oils because it's the cheapest available, and it's also the strongest I know of (it comes from Greece and takes 2 weeks to arrive but is SO worth it) (regular oregano oil capsules tend to do nothing for me).  PLEASE NOTE: You should check with your healthcare provider about taking oregano oil. 

I usually buy the 2-pack, to save money. I have gone through several bottles in the last 5 years. I put it in a dropper (I use about 8-10 drops). I've also used the P-73 brand cited in the study (which was my favorite) but I just switched to Telia because it's cheaper (and turned out to be stronger).

From the Amazon page:
One fluid ounce is 30 ml. (29.573). One fluid ounce of water is 29,573.5 mg. The specific gravity of oregano oil is 0.938 to water. Multiply mg of water by specific gravity of oil gives one fl oz is 27,740 mg of oregano oil. Several sites give the figure of an average of 20 drops per ml of essential oil. This gives about 600 drops per fluid ounce. Dividing the weight in one fluid oz of oil by this average gives 46 mg. At 83-85%, one drop is then 38-39 mg by calculation. You can also measure how many drops are in a ml of oregano oil and use that figure instead of the average. You can also weigh the oil if you have an accurate scale and use that instead of the calculation. see less


In 2016 when I was on a trip to Florida, I swear I caught the flu from breathing the air on the plane. I didn't have Wellness Formula, but I had oregano oil, and started taking capsules of it (I put drops of the Telia oils brand into empty capsules). By the next day, that flu (or whatever it was that FELT like the flu) was totally gone.

It can thin the blood and lower iron production, but that doesn't stop me from taking it. I just take an iron supplement, and CoQ10/Vitamin K to be sure I'm in balance. Not telling you what to do, that's just what I do and it seems to work well for me.

I just noticed that Whole Foods was almost out of Wellness Formula (they just had the tablets, which to me smell so bad they actually make me feel more sick). And the Vitamin Shoppe was completely sold out of both the capsules and tablets (but expected to get a shipment in soon). Heck, even Costco was out of Vitamin C!  SO i just want to give the heads up to anyone else who likes to use it.... you may want to get it while you can, to be sure it's not sold out later if you need it. It'll last at least a few months when kept air tight in the fridge. 

"The people on the ventilators are starting to die."

oil of oregano proves effective against coronavirus

Posted by 

Oil of Oregano Proves Effective Against Coronavirus

Tuesday, 01 December 2009 19:00By Erik Goldman, Editor - Vol. 4, No. 4. Winter, 2003

(EDITOR'S NOTE JAN 30, 2020: The following article, originally published in the Winter 2003 edition of Holistic Primary Care and posted to our site several years later, has received a lot of attention recently, owing to worldwide public concern about China's coronavirus outbreak, and the Washington Post's citation of this piece as an example of "fake news" about coronavirus.

Our article briefly described a preliminary in vitro experiment assessing the impact of carvacrol-rich oregano oil alone, or in combination with other monoterpene-rich herb oils, on the proliferation of coronavirus in human cell cultures. This pathogen was in the news back in 2003, because it was identified as the trigger for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

The investigator, M. Khalid Ijaz, DVM, PhD, concluded that oregano oil can inhibit proliferation of coronavirus and reduce viral titers. However, he states clearly--as do we in our article--that this is early stage basic research, and that we would need an actual human trial before drawing any firm conclusion about the clinical role of oregano oil for coronavirus infection.

To the best of our knowledge, this research has not yet been done.

But it should be done. Given the epidemic potential of the current coronavirus outbreak, and the fact that the efficacy of existing antiviral drugs against this strain is largely unknown, we ought to study all potential options, even if they fall outside the scope of conventional drug-based medicine. A number of preliminary in vitro or animal studies have shown that compounds in oregano oil are virustatic and virucidal against several viral pathogens. There are plausible mechanisms of action. We should not rule out oregano oil simply because it is derived from an herb.

Oil of oregano may prove to be a valuable ally against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

recent in vitro study indicates that the essential oil of this medicinal herb can destroy human coronavirus, thought to be the pathogen responsible for SARS, and completely stop its replication within 20 minutes of exposure.

The study was conducted by Dr. M. Khalid Ijaz, of Microbiotest, an independent microbiological testing lab in Sterling, VA. Dr. Ijaz incubated human coronavirus in MRC-5 cell lines with Oreganol P73, an olive-oil preparation of wild oregano, and with Oregacillin, a combination of wild oregano, wild sage, wild cumin and wild cinnamon oils. Both products are made by Physician's Strength/North American Herb and Spice, a company that specializes in medicinal essential oils from the Mediterranean.

The oregano oil alone reduced viral titers from over 5 million particles per ml at baseline, to 167 particles per ml within 15 minutes. At 20 minutes, the titers were down to 150 particles per ml. The Oregacillin combination reduced titers from over 5 million, to 133 particles per ml in 15 minutes. Within 20 minutes, they were reduced to non-detectable levels. The investigators noted that both preparations were able to halt viral replication within the host cells.

The in vitro findings need to be confirmed in human clinical trials, but they are compelling in that they show that oil of oregano, alone and in combination with other essential oils, have unequivocal virucidal and virustatic effects. Both Oreganol P73 and Oregacillin are available from Physician's Strength (800-243-5242).

On March 13 I wrote an article “Why Oregano Oil” and that I bought a bottle for every one of the family of workers at Wiggy’s. Today Kok and Pum his wife was at the house for lunch. She made it and she is as fine a cook as there is for Cambodian food. Anyway, Kok told me he doesn’t like taking the oregano oil but does, my response was if it keeps you healthy do as I have, gotten used to it.

I went on the internet and did a search of asking if oil of oregano has been tested against the coronavirus, and if you have read the article that starts this article you are reading what I found. Before doing this research, I was at my local vitamin cottage store and bought more oregano oil and “oregano”.

I would like to buy stock in a company that actually makes the stuff. Why the government doesn’t start giving out bottles to one and all so one and all can take preventative measures so one and all can get on with their lives.

Of course, oregano oil is not made by any pharmaceutical company is it?

I do not know how far and wide my readership is but all else left aside that I have written, this is to important to keep a secret. Tell all of your friends and anyone who will listen. You can not in any manner hurt yourself by consuming oregano in any of its forms. 

Wiggy's Signature


From the United States

Reviewed in the United States on November 4, 2017
Helped me kick the flu and a respiratory infection.
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Reviewed in the United States on April 16, 2017
Good stuff. Has worked for me twice when I had a bad flu I couldn't shake. Improvement started within 24 hours of starting oregacillin, even when I had been sick for 3 weeks.
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Reviewed in the United States on June 1, 2019
Great support for immune system - fight off winter colds and flu


Reviewed in the United States on November 2, 2007
My naturopath prescribed this mix for a flu virus and the results were simply incredible. I felt better within 24 hours, and without the side effects of regular antibiotics--no impairment of immune system, no yeast infections, etc. Now we keep a bottle on hand for every winter season.
9 people found this helpful

From the United States

Reviewed in the United States on November 4, 2017
Helped me kick the flu and a respiratory infection.
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Reviewed in the United States on April 16, 2017
Good stuff. Has worked for me twice when I had a bad flu I couldn't shake. Improvement started within 24 hours of starting oregacillin, even when I had been sick for 3 weeks.
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Reviewed in the United States on June 1, 2019
Great support for immune system - fight off winter colds and flu

Reviewed in the United States on November 12, 2020
The liquid is strong and produces a little warmth,(you have to drink something after you take it), but it is a good oil to fight off virus; i have used it for years!
Reviewed in the United States on June 28, 2013
This is the first product we turn to when any of us get a cold/virus/sinius infection. It works wonders and is so much better than bombarding our bodies with nasty antibiotics.
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Reviewed in the United States on August 25, 2013
I use it mostly for my break up the congestion. I use it for cold sores, it destroys the virus. I also use it for painful arthritis, rubbing into painful areas, All the uses are in the book, "The Cure Is In The Cupboard.
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Reviewed in the United States on January 9, 2009
i read about this product online from a community of sufferers with a particular common virus. i have been using it for over a month and it's like a miracle has occured in my life and given me my life back. this stuff is strong and potent and only take the recommended dosage or you will be living in the bathroom. it is the real deal.
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Reviewed in the United States on June 6, 2016
This product is VERY helpful with fighting a viral infection. I was recently sick with an unknown virus for 14 days. I am generally a healthy person and was trying everything I could to fight this sickness, but nothing was working. I had a fever that ranged from low-grade up to 103 at its peak for 14 days straight. I was getting really concerned that something serious was going on in my body, but after running some blood work, my doctor continued to believe that it was a virus. This virus caused my ALT/AST liver enzymes to be elevated 4 times the upper limit on my blood work!

Needless to say, I was getting desperate and decided to try oregano oil. I had heard about it before being into alternative medicine, but I had never had to use anything past my usual "illness routine" (elderberry, garlic, master tonic etc). I figured it would be worth a try. Instead of waiting for it to be delivered, I decided to drive to my nearest Whole Foods to have it in-hand immediately (even though it was nearly double the price there at $29.99). I asked the sales rep for the best oregano oil they sold, and she told me this was the one.

I started out by taking 2-3 drops under my tongue every few hours. Yes, it has a very strong/spicy flavor, but it didn't bother me. You can also place a few drops in water if the taste bothers you. Anyways, I could honestly tell it was working within the first few hours of taking it. This infection was particularly strong, so I ended up having to up my dosage to about 3-5 drops every 2-3 hours. About 36 hours later, my fever was gone and I started feeling like myself again. Thank God for this miracle product! After using the product, I can honestly say that I believe it is one of the main reasons that I got well. Who knows how long I would have been sick without it. I am very thankful that I was able to use this and will ALWAYS have several bottles on hand from now on. I will be rechecking my liver enzymes in a few weeks, so praying all has returned to normal!

UPDATE: My liver enzymes thankfully returned to normal within a few months!
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Reviewed in the United States on March 10, 2007
I find it very relaxing to use on the back of my neck. If I have a sore knee I rub it on my knee. I think it improves circulation. You feel a slight warmth. Just magic stuff. You can put on acne to dry up acne. Take internally for every cold or flu or virus. Put on back to relax. Something very relaxing about it when rubbed into the skin. I love the smell, but it smells like oregano. My new favorite thing.
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Reviewed in the United States on May 28, 2020
My parents have been using this for 8+ years, I been using their Super Strength. We used this every day and a bit more in the past few months none of us got even a hint of sickness during this time and I did go out grocery shopping without any fear. This stuff keeps us all from getting colds, sore throats, flu. Now if either of us feels like we are getting sick we up the daily drop count for 3-4 days and we never catch what the virus or bacteria the body had got. For me it even got rid of my Staphylococcus aureus in less than 3 weeks, when I had it for over 6 months and that was 8+ years ago, been taking it ever since. My dad had staph, again took the drops and his was over in 2 weeks and never got it back, this stuff is amazing, but again each person could re-act differently to it. DO NOT TAKE it with water or by itself, the sting from the taste will make you choke, I take mine in 3-4 oz of V-8 Fusion Strawberry Bananas and don't even taste it, like 6 drops. My mom uses it in apple sauce, my dad with Apple cider. DO NOT PUT on sores/cuts, it will heal them but it will sting and burn like no tomorrow for 10-15min.
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Reviewed in the United States on April 13, 2020
I use this product for everything! I apply to tight muscles before I get in the shower. I use it on my face and chest to exfoliate my skin. May have had Had a very bad virus and put one drop under my tongue and swallowed with water. Good for Fungus on my toes since I wear tennis shoes.
Reviewed in the United States on February 26, 2015
If you have kids in college, this is a much needed product. I send a bottle with both kids and at the hint of a cold or sore throat, they begin taking this. It kicks the virus right out of your system and keeps it from getting worse. Both say they are the only kids in the dorms that aren't sick all the time. Really great if your family gets sore throats often. I take it because dairy gives me a sore throat. I try not to eat it but when I do, one drop in a little water, does the trick.
Great product, lasts a long time and prevents co-pays at the doctors office! Highly recommended!
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Here are some videos featuring people who take oregano oil (orally) as an antiviral.  I included one video that shows a woman who warns against taking it for extended periods of time. She tells a story of a woman who took several drops, daily, and wound up having to go to the hospital. Please note, I DO NOT take oregano oil regularly. Only if I feel I am having an imbalance of some sort (itching from Candida, or if I have a sore throat and feel a viral infection coming on).  But I absolutely feel, personally, that it is worth it to take it ASAP when I do feel an imbalance. It's just important to make sure not to take too much. 






Stay safe!
